Thursday, April 12, 2007

Naturally Speaking

Ever watched yourself presenting on video?

I have tended to keep away from video feedback on communications skills courses. One of the dangers of video feedback is that the camera notices and exaggerates stuff that the brain filters out. When you watch it, you look like a windmill on speed, and people can become very self-conscious about things that are actually positive features of their natural communications style.

I heard Simon Callow once describe Milos Forman's directing style as being "No Acting Allowed!" and in the same TV documentary series Clint Eastwood said a similar thing - the expressiveness we use in front of an audience, be it in a seminar, on a stage or even just one-to-one in a coffee shop, is too much for the camera, which has a far narrower field of vision.

There's a kids' TV programme called Big Cook, Little Cook starring a full-sized chef and his lilliputian colleague. They do dances to their songs between parts of the show and Big Cook Ben looks exaggerated and unnatural, whereas Little Cook Small (imaginative name, huh?) doesn't and I think it's because of the fact that Small is shot from a long distance and takes up about 1/3 of the screen height from head to toe.

I teach that natural communication is the best way to present, to sell, or to run and participate in meetings. Be very wary of the extreme narrow focus of the camcorder!

All the best,

Dave Bull
Team Coaching Network Ltd

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Have you tried this one?

It seems most people are aware of the business networking website Ecademy. Have you seen this alternative, called LinkedIn?

I have recently used LinkedIn's "questions" facility to run a short informal survey on "what frustrates you most about team meetings?" Feel free to post your own answers here as comments, by the way!

I'll be putting some of the conclusions of the replies I have to this question soon!

All the best,

Dave Bull
Team Coaching Network Ltd